Tung Le (Tung Le), LeAI Solutions


Hi there! Welcome to my corner of the internet! 😊

My name is Tung Le (often called Le), and I am thrilled to have you here!

I have a deep passion for DSLR cameras and photography gear, and I aim to provide you with comprehensive reviews and insightful blogs so that you can make informed decisions about DSLR cameras and accessories.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for visiting and supporting my website.

Your support makes everything possible, and I am incredibly grateful.

I was born and raised in HCMC, Vietnam, and now I live here with my family.

I am blessed with a supportive family, including my partner and our two wonderful children.

I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Science, VNU-HCM.

Before starting ProShotGear, I worked as a web engineer in various tech companies, honing my skills and expertise.

I spent 2 years in the United States, collaborating with tech enthusiasts and photographers, which was an unforgettable experience.

Upon returning to Vietnam, I decided to start ProShotGear, merging my love for technology and photography.

I initially started experimenting with sharing my photography tips and gear reviews on a small blog.

This led to taking orders for personalized consultations, and soon ProShotGear gained traction.

However, I faced challenges, including balancing my time between work and family, which made me reconsider my focus.

I decided to concentrate on providing expert advice and resources on DSLR cameras, which allowed me to share more in-depth content.

Now, I focus on sharing detailed reviews, insightful blogs, and expert advice about DSLR cameras and gear, hoping to empower photographers worldwide.

My goal is for ProShotGear to be a resource where you feel empowered to make informed decisions about your photography equipment.

I hope you find joy and inspiration here. Happy shooting!

Thank you for being a part of the ProShotGear community!

Warm regards,
Tung Le (Le)

Thank you!